Women’s World Cup Watch Party – 26/7/23



The Munster Football Association are delighted to announce that in partnership with the Cork City Council we will host a Womens World Cup Watch Party Event at Turners Cross Stadium on Wednesday 26th July 1pm Kick Off for the Ireland v Canada fixture. 

Gates on the day will open at 12noon. A Big Screen will be positioned on the pitch facing the main Donie Ford Stand that can hold up to 2000 spectators. Shop & Food Van will also be available on the day. We hope to have some guests also attend and watch party Fan Ware will also be made available to those attending. 




Speaking ahead of the event Barry Cotter of the MFA said “I would like to say a special thanks to the Cork City Council for coming on board and funding this event as without them it wasn’t a possibility. Women & Girls in sport has been increasing expediently in previous years and events like this will only help it grow further. Turners Cross is a fabulous venue and the MFA are delighted to host this event to support the girls in green in their World Cup Adventure” 

Also speaking at the launch Michelle Broderick of the Cork City Council Sports & Sustainability Department said “Congratulations to Munster Football Association for this great initiative. Cork City Council welcomes this event as the physical and mental benefits of sport are widely recognised. In particular, this ties in with the council’s goal of encouraging female involvement in sport. I would to wish the Irish Team the best of luck” 

The event is a free entry event and we invite all young and old as well as current and new fans to attend the event and add colour and noise to support the girls in green. The very best of luck to Vera Pauw and the whole squad in what will be an exciting few weeks for football in the country.